Tuesday 22 January 2008

FLASH: FLOYD LANDIS French Decision NOW Online

watch has been personally informed that the Decision (in French) from the AFLD is now available online
(In French / en français):

Décision n° 2007-52 du 29 novembre 2007

WADAwatch wants to thank the Secretary-General of AFLD for this
recently-received information.

NB: Landis' name, as well as those of other participants (attorneys, etc) are expunged, which is standard for many of these French Decision documents from AFLD.

(hoping (?) to provide an English translation/summary, of reasonable accuracy, in the near future!)

The opinions expressed by WADAwatch are strictly formed with the purpose of inciting WADA to adhere to its Fundamental Rationale, achieve its goals and fulfil the aspirations of its Signatories, in achieving the highest possible level of objective, neutral science in sport-doping control.


© 2008 ZENmud productions

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