Wednesday 24 October 2007

Mayo and the LNDD 'Breach of Contract'

Does it dawn on the rest of the Sporting world, as it does to WADAwatch, that according to the regulations found in the WADA CODE, in Articles 7 (Results Management), Article 8 (Right to a Fair Hearing) and 14 (Confidentiality and Reporting), that no one, anywhere in the entire world of journalists, UCI, TdF staff: no one, has the right to be discussing the Iban Mayo case as of today?

The words cannot be more clear and precise:

The identity of Athletes whose Samples have resulted in Adverse Analytical Findings, or Athletes or other Persons who were alleged by an Anti-doping Organization to have violated other anti-doping rules, may be publicly disclosed by the Anti-doping Organization with results management responsibility no earlier than completion of the administrative review in Articles 7.1 and 7.2.

Suffice it to inform that Articles 7.1 and 7.2 are how to inform an Athlete of the A Sample test, and also in 7.2 how to proceed through the B Confirmation test, and attain a laboratory documentation package from the laboratory which performed the testing.

Another blatant violation of a cyclist's rights?

Watch! WADA

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